mardi 17 juillet 2007

The Avalanche-->Thief in the Night,

1. He shall come from Persia (additional evidence).

2. He shall go to the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the land of Babylon.

3. He shall withdraw from the city into the barren places, as Christ had gone
into the desert in the day of His FIRST coming.

4. He shall openly proclaim His Mission in Babylon
(or its modern equivalent), and there he shall 'redeem' Israel
and the world.

5. He shall come from the Tigris and Euphrates valley
to the Holy Land, Israel, as Abraham had come.
He shall make the journey from the land of the Chaldees
to the promised land of Canaan.

6. He shall come from a fortified city to a fortified city on
His journey to Israel.

7. Heshall come out of the 'fortress' and journey to the freedom
of the 'river.'

8. On His journey from the East to Israel, Heshall come
from 'mountain to mountain.'

9. The land of Israel shall be desolate when He comes,
but it will later 'blossom as the rose.'

10. He shall dwell in the 'midst of Carmel' and from there He shall
'feed his flock' with His Teachings.

11. His ministry on earth shall last for exactly 'forty years.'

12. He shall come to the valley of Achor where He shall be found
by those who 'have sought' Him in the last days.

13. Theplace where His feet have walked in
the Holy Land,
Israel, shall 'be made glorious.'

14. The place of His 'rest' or'sanctuary' or tomb shall become
beautified with trees, paths,and flowers.

15. He shall come from the 'seed' of Abraham.

16.He shall 'glorify' Christ in the day of His coming.

17. Thereshall be signs in the physical heavens in the day
of His appearance.

18. He shall 'unseal the books' and explain their 'hidden meanings' so that all
may understand (additional evidence)
19. He shall overthrow the power and thrones of wickedkings.

20. He shall set up a spiritual 'kingdom in all parts ofthe world -- the Kingdom foretold by Christ in His prayer: 'Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.'

(William Sears, Thief in the Night, p. 74)
the book can be download on ocean resarch library

you may read the book here see THIEF IN THE NIGHT POST

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